We Play Pete Thorn's New Suhr PT15 I.R. Amp… With Pete Thorn At TGU19
Published on 25 Jun 2019
Here we are in Germany at Thomann’s TGU 2019! We bumped into our great friend Pete Thorn who just so happened to have the first PT15 I.R. in Europe with him. So what’s a little Pedal Show gonna do? Plug in of course!
Yes, there is some extraneous noise introduced via a very busy shop floor and some complex signal routing with amp switchers and whatnot, so please don’t think there’s anything wrong with the amp! We’re looking forward to trying the amp in our own environment for sure – everything is always harder on location. Nevertheless, we hope this gives a reasonable intro to Pete’s new amp.
Please note: the Glockenlang Bass cab Pete is sitting by is not the one that’s mic’d up. You’re hearing a Harley Benton G212 Vintage with Sennheiser e906 close mic’d (behind Pete). Apologies for the visual confusion. I've also mixed in a little stereo X-Y room mic to the cab sounds.
Enjoy the episode!
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Life too short for long YouTube videos? Please see the ‘Interesting bits and go-to sections’ information below.
Pedals & stuff in this episode…
• Catalinbread Belle Epoch Deluxe
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Interesting bits and go-to sections…
- Intro playing: 0:00
- Welcome: what are we doing today? 1:25
- Pete’s vision for the PT15 I.R. 2:55
- The clean channel: 4:45
- Crunch in the clean channel: 5:50
- Channel 2: 6:40
- Channel 3: 7:38
- And on to the I.R. section: 8:50
- Mick and Strat: 11:48
- Dan and Tele: 13:38
- Storing IRs? 14:04
- Clean channel with the Tele: 16:30
- …and the Strat: 17:40
- Dan’s IR question: 20:04
- And back to the cab mic’d up: 23:43
Guitars in this episode:
• Suhr Pete Thorn Signature: https://www.suhr.com/instruments/pete-thorn/
• Fender Custom Shop Heavy Relic ’60 Stratocaster: https://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_60_strat_heavy_relic_paisley.htm
• Fender Custom Shop Heavy Relic ’51 Nocaster: https://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_51_nocaster_wb_heavy_relic.htm
Amps in this episode
• Suhr PT15 I.R. https://www.suhr.com/electronics/amplifiers/pt15-ir/
• …into Harley Benton G212 Vintage with Celestion Vintage 30 speakers
We hope you enjoy this episode. Please subscribe to our channel.
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