Very Simple Pedalboard Build [With Yet More Pedal Indecision & A Gig Too!]
18 Mar 2022
Welcome to the show! In this video I pick up from a previous show where Dan helped me pick a small bunch of pedals for an upcoming show. For a recap, that video is here: https://youtu.be/clO_-EN4aCM
Having chosen the pedals it’s time to build the board, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to go over some pedalboard building basics.
Erm, except then I choose some different pedals… and then change them again! If nothing else it’s a reminder why simple, modular pedalboards can be so much fun - swap things in and out as you choose with minimum hassle.
Anyway, having finally decided, I do a little bit of pre-gig prep and head to the show!
Massive thanks to Neville Marten and Adrian Nash for having me along at their show. Also thanks to Komedia Bath for being such an awesome venue with wonderful, helpful people.
Why did the Clockwork Echo stop working? No idea. I will investigate when I get some time.
Enjoy the show!
And please visit That Pedal Shop! https://www.thatpedalshop.com/
Pedals used in this episode…
• D’Addario PW-CT-23 Pedal Tuner
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/3ImY4us
Australia: https://bit.ly/369VFGH
USA That Pedal Shop: https://bit.ly/3Ig31FH
• Kingtone The Duellist
• Gtown Custom Amps HolyGrail DualDrive
• J Rockett Clockwork Echo
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/356sqUq
Australia: https://bit.ly/3taCyDx
USA That Pedal Shop: https://bit.ly/3FQb5Mp
• Catalinbread Belle Epoch Deluxe
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2RVldeS
Australia: http://bit.ly/2Ovelqa
USA That Pedal Shop: https://bit.ly/308PeAy
• Free The Tone Custom SOV-2 Overdrive
• Free The Tone Flight Time Digital Delay
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/3ierWyR
• D’Addario XPand Pedalboards
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/351ki7v
USA That Pedal Shop: https://bit.ly/3u1araE
Interesting bits and go-to sections…
0:00 What are we doing today?
1:30 Power supply overkill?
2:40 XPND Pedalboard – will it fit?
5;45 Fitting anything underneath?
7:43 Placement of pedals?
10:00 Placement of tuner?
11:14 Attaching pedals to the board
14:40 Rubbery pedal base?
16:10 Power supply?
16:40 Current draw of your pedals?
18:15 Cable accessibility
23:10 Check the power
24:00 Patch cables?
26:17 Plugging in for the first time
32:25 Different overdrive pedal?
34:25 Gig day prep
35:25 Sound check
36:35 Gig time!
40:52 Post-gig thoughts
43:23 Why change the pedals again?
44:10 New delay pedal settings
45:20 Yet another overdrive?!
47:00 Does anyone care?
Guitars in this episode:
• Fender Custom Shop ’62 Relic Stratocaster - Mick’s video here: https://youtu.be/amCnjNQCmiE
Amps in this episode:
• Two-Rock Classic Reverb Signature & 112 cabinet / WGS12L speaker
We hope you enjoy this episode. Please subscribe to our channel.
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