Tips For Your First Pedalboard Build
Published on Apr 12, 2019
In this episode we discuss and demonstrate the things you need to think about when putting together your first pedalboard. It’s the really basic stuff like choice of board, potential layout, fixing pedals to the board, power, cabling and so on. We try to keep it as entry-level as possible, but if you want something more involved, check out our big board build videos!
More on a big board build: https://youtu.be/-wpAnCeHPQs
More on power and power supplies: https://youtu.be/4XRCjHxaYkc
So come on, join us – you know you want to!
We spoke with Mission Engineering about the issue we experienced with the 529 at around 1:02:18. Since our review unit, Mission tells us it has made a modification to the 529 to eliminate this… and is offering a free mod/upgrade to any customers experiencing issues with units made before the mod. Contact details at www.missionengineering.com
Pedals & stuff in this episode…
• Pedalboard tape: https://shop.thegigrig.com/pedal-board-tape/
• Pedaltrain Metro 16 Soft Case
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2YXpoKq
Australia: http://bit.ly/2KvhcOk
USA: https://imp.i114863.net/ndDa6
• TheGigRig Modular Power Supply
• Sonic Research ST-300 Turbo Tuner Mini
USA: http://bit.ly/2AYjob5
Australia: http://bit.ly/2mR1s8c
• JAM Pedals Rattler
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2vtdFtq
USA: https://bit.ly/3CW6s1F
Australia: https://bit.ly/3GJehdm
• Mooer Treliocopter
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2i8yiDi
• Snouse Electric Company Black Box OD2 Stage Pro Mod
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2VCE9QL
• Electro Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man 1100-TT
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2WbQLhG
USA: https://imp.i114863.net/31b2K
• Mission Engineering 529 USB Power Supply
Australia: http://bit.ly/2uVLYWa
USA: https://imp.i114863.net/vdeXd
• Ibanez TS10 Tube Screamer
No longer made
• Mythos Pedals Runestone
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2XBYJ5d
• Fox Gear Echosex Baby
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2rv2Dhj
• TC Electronic Ditto
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2v1PspS
USA: https://imp.i114863.net/dd4xM
Australia: http://bit.ly/2X17xAv
Our favourite pedalboards…
• Schmidt Array: https://www.schmidtarray.com/custom
• Pedaltrain: https://pedaltrain.com/
• Alder & Ash https://www.alderandashpedalboards.com/
• Custom Pedal Boards: https://www.custompedalboards.co.uk/
Why do we have preferred retailer links? Find out here: http://www.thatpedalshow.com/partners
Interesting bits and go-to sections…
- Welcome: 00:00
- What are we doing today? 0:33
- When do you ‘need’ a pedalboard? 1:31
- What do I need? 1:52
- What are the advantages of having a pedalboard? 2:17
- The boards begin! 4:21
- Mick’s board: 4:31
- Dan’s choices: 6:30
- A tuner? 7:56
- Choosing the board itself: 9:00
- Dan’s board choice: 9:58
- Different types of board/case: 11:00
- The DIY board? 12:45
- Thinking about layout and signal path: 14:35
- Pedal order? 20:00
- Attaching pedals: 21:05
- Cable ties? 24:10
- Why the loop side on the bottom? 25:25
- Pedalboard tape? 26:30
- Removing pedals: 28:30
- Pedal jacks and positioning: 29:30
- Power! 31:30
- Dan’s power choice: 33:00
- mA and current draw: 33:20
- Plugs and centre-negative: 34:45
- Isolation: 36:38
- Mick’s power supply: 37:05
- Connecting the power to the pedals and all that… 39:20
- Mick’s patch cables: 47:13
- Dan’s audio connections: 50:19
- Give your board a name? 53:40
- Ta-da! Let’s hear them then… 54:07
- Uh-oh… trouble: 58:45
- A nice loopy loop: 59:30
- Fixing that trouble and diagnosis: 1:02:20
- And jam out!
Guitars in this episode:
• Fender American Vintage ’62 Stratocaster – Mick’s video at http://bit.ly/2cQv3yT
• Fender Custom Shop ’63 Telecaster – Dan’s video at http://bit.ly/2dlZJ6K
Amps in this episode
• Vox AC15C1 with Celestion G12M Greenback speaker
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/36BSfrw
USA: https://bit.ly/3E0H1Qs
• Fender Blues Junior III with standard speaker - No longer made, link to latest version
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2O80417
USA: https://imp.i114863.net/yNGzV
We hope you enjoy this episode. Please subscribe to our channel.
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