That Pedal Show – Balancing Dynamics With Clean & Drive Sounds Into Big & Little Amps
Published on Jun 9, 2017
In this episode we discuss the massive subject of balancing clean and dirty sounds in terms of volume and feel. It’s really all about gain structure and amp headroom – topics that we’ve touched on in many videos to date because they are absolutely fundamental to electric guitar tone.
We use a Marshall Class 5 combo and a 1987x half stack – 5 and 50-watt amps respectively to – to help illustrate the concepts discussed, hopefully offering some useful advice and pointers along the way. Enjoy the episode!
Pedals in this episode…
• TheGigRig Three2One
• Boss BD-2 (old Keeley mod) but try the Waza Craft Blues Driver…
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2fBdXnz
USA: https://bit.ly/3xoje7X
• Kingsley Page V2 Tube Boost
• Keeley D&M Drive
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2oTblU1
USA: https://bit.ly/3E2Eqmw
Australia: http://bit.ly/2pUDUAE
• Origin Effects Cali 76 Compact Deluxe Compressor
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2cbsLUm
Australia: http://bit.ly/2rPSRWo
USA: https://bit.ly/323rheM
• Providence Chrono Delay
UK & Europe http://bit.ly/2cw8jis
• MXR M300 Reverb
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2hLvESX
USA: https://bit.ly/3yo9D1c
• Strymon TimeLine
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2fzulGD
USA: https://imp.i114863.net/6jXzV
Australia: http://bit.ly/2pSEFKm
• The GigRig G2: http://bit.ly/2h8xSay
* Why do we have preferred retailer links? Find out here: http://www.thatpedalshow.com/partners
Amps in this episde:
• Marshall Class 5 combo (version 1)
• Marshall 1987x & 1960AX 4x12 cabinet (with Celestion G12M Greenback speakers)
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/31eVWmc
USA That Pedal Shop: https://bit.ly/3v3Xazc
Interesting bits and go-to sections…
- Intro & background: 00:00
- What are we doing today? 3:24
- Today’s amps – Big Jim & Little Jim: 5:34 (playing at 6:15)
- 5-watt and 50-watt ‘clean’ sounds: 7:00
- Today’s amp volume settings: 8:30
- Kingsley Page OD set dirty-ish, intro Big & Little Jim: 10:30
- … and then much louder with less gain: 13:38
- Using an OD pedal for dynamic ‘clean’ sounds: 14:56
- But what if I only have one amp? 17:36
- What happens when you crank Little Jim? 18:35
- Keeley-modded BD-2 with Big & Little Jim: 19:55
- What about getting more of a volume boost? 22:35
- Heavier gains and balancing volume: 24:55
- Compression pedal with Big & Little Jim: 35:50
- Guitars disappearing with fuzz? 41:38
- …and sitting under vocals? 42:38
- …but then the solo comes: 43:04
Guitars in this episode
• Fender Custom Shop ’63 Telecaster – watch Dan’s video at http://bit.ly/2dlZJ6K
- Fender American Vintage ’62 Stratocaster – watch Mick’s video at http://bit.ly/2cQv3yT
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