Simon McBride Pedalboard Build – That Pedal Show
Published on Jul 27, 2018
In this episode we welcome mega-talented solo artist, session player and sideman, Simon McBride to TPS for a pedalboard rebuild.
Mick had been shooting some videos with Simon for Victory Amplification and noticed that Simon’s board was in need of a little Dan-style TLC. So on his next trip south, Simon dropped in with his pedals.
The way Simon approaches his amps and sounds in general is kind of opposite to how Dan and I normally approach things (very gainy amps with the FX loop in use) which brings a new set of challenges as you’ll see in this video. The most obvious of which is the high level of extraneous hum and additional grounding problems that a highly gained amp brings with it. Dan tried solving it all the usual ways (watch our recent video on that here https://youtu.be/JAllMFGdQTI )… but ended up employing a Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor, right at the end of the video.
The result are those super gained but extremely articulate tones that enable Simon's incredible approach and technique to come through in full glory. And what glory it is!
For more on Simon, please head to https://www.simonmcbride.net/
And check him out on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/simonmcbrideTV/
Please enjoy the episode…
Pedals in this episode…
• Pedaltrain Classic 2 With Tour Case
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2JViRr7
USA: https://bit.ly/3JXq9dY
Australia: http://bit.ly/2JSZOh3
• Neo Instruments Mini Vent II
USA: https://imp.i114863.net/3QkxB
• Jam Pedals Waterfall
UK: http://bit.ly/2MifNem
USA: https://bit.ly/3s9w21c
Australia: https://bit.ly/3ypCgem
• Jam Pedals Retro Vibe
UK: http://bit.ly/36PhBkN
USA: https://bit.ly/321iBVY
Australia: https://bit.ly/3IPmn5R
• RealTone FX Solo Booster
• Vahlbruch Octavia
• Sinvertek Drive No 5
Australia: http://bit.ly/2fGVwNc
• Keeley DynaTrem
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2mLqZ40
Australia: http://bit.ly/2wZpZNm
USA: https://bit.ly/3EWZvyW
• Keeley Delay Workstation
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2L0FifL
USA: https://imp.i114863.net/dBygK
Australia: http://bit.ly/2JaEkMd
• TheGigRig Modular Power Supply
• TheGigRig QMX8
Why do we have preferred retailer links? Find out here: http://www.thatpedalshow.com/partners
Interesting bits and go-to sections…
- Intro playing: 0:00
- The pedalboard build begins: 1:00
- Simon’s QMX8: 4:45
- QMX brackets and layout: 6:33
- Velcro and attaching pedals: 9:40
- Power supply: 11:52
- Patch cables: 12:42 (14:48)
- A TS10 interlude: 13:15
- Power and connections: 17:23
- Insert loop for the amp FX loop: 20:05
- Labelling – we’re done! 22:17
- Let’s hear it then: 23:50
- Earth issues, man: 27:00
- Neo Instruments Mini Vent II: 28:00
- Don Airey’s stage rig tangent: 30:15
- Three modulations?! And before drive too… 31:45
- Talking vibes and pedal order: 35:17 (36:33)
- Reverb & trem in the amp FX loop: 40:00
- Okay, what’s that hum? 41:27
- More reverb: 42:45
- Delay: 45:06
- Gain pedals into a gainy amp? 48:35
- RealToneFX SoloBooster: 50:40
- Vahlbruch Octavia: 51:49
- Sinvertek Drive No 5: 54:05
- Dan solves the noise problem. NS-2 to the rescue: 1:08:45
Guitars in this episode:
• PRS Private Stock Simon McBride Custom Build
Based on the PRS 408 model… http://www.prsguitars.com/index.php/electrics/core/408_2018
Amps in this episode
• Victory V30 The Countess MkII & V212VV cabinet with Celestion Vintage 30 speakers
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2Dh1f7Y
• Victory Sheriff 44 & V212VH cabinet with Celestion Vintage 30 and G12H Anniversary speakers
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/33grgin
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