One Guitar, One Amp, One Pedal: What Would You Choose?
Published on Jun 1, 2018
We are approaching the end of an era as we get ready to turn the lights out for good in That Pedal Shed.
But don’t panic. We are moving to a bigger and better space, so before we do we thought we’d make a couple of more lighthearted shows to bid farewell to ol’ place: this week and next.
What, then, if we were only allowed just one guitar, one amp and one pedal: what would we choose to satisfy ear and soul among the endless options?
As it turns out we reckon this could turn into a regular that runs every few months because as we explain in this episode, your current mood, tastes and most recent experiences always have a big impact on the choices. Next week the choices may have been quite different!
Please enjoy the show…
Pedals in this episode…
• TheGigRig ABY-Baby
• Roland RE-210 Space Echo (reconditioned by Sound Gas)
No longer available new, try: https://soundgas.com/
• Gurus Echosex 2 7TE
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2H7cgs3
Why do we have preferred retailer links? Find out here: http://www.thatpedalshow.com/partners
Interesting bits and go-to sections…
- Intro playing: 00:00
- Oh blimey, they’re jamming! 1:55
- What are we doing today? 3:50
- What has Dan chosen? 5:00
- Hello Oyvind! 5:33
- Dan’s RE-20 story – a piece of junk? 7:35
- So why is this one better? 9:17
- How is Dan running his AC30? 12:04
- Footswitching channels in non-channel switching amps? 12:20
- Normal and EF86 channels in the AC30: 13:29
- Reverb in the RE-201: 14:04
- Where’s your treble gone Dan? 14:50
- Dan’s compacted ear wax: 16:12
- The Space Echo, finally: 18:30
- Dan has a play: 20:58
- Why delay and not OD? 23:40
- We should do this regularly: 24:25
- No D&M Drive? 26:18
- Mick’s choices: 27:00
- Gurus Echosex 2 7TE: 28:42 (36:28)
- Some things about Mick’s Two-Rock, like the FET boost and EQ lift, for example: 29:49
- Aha, the Zoom F8 again! 34:28
- Echo Repeat and Swell modes on the Echosex: 42:50
- Jamming for the second time in a single video?! 45:00
Guitars in this episode:
• Fender Custom Shop 1963 Telecaster - watch Dan’s video at http://bit.ly/2dlZJ6K
• Fender American Vintage ’62 Stratocaster - watch Mick’s video at http://bit.ly/2cQv3yT
Amps in this episode
• 1961 Vox AC30 – watch Dan’s video at http://bit.ly/2rxzq64
• Two-Rock Classic Reverb Signature & 212 cabinet – watch Mick’s video at http://bit.ly/2L8VZVT
We hope you enjoy this episode. Please subscribe to our channel.
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