Marshall 1987x – 5 Things You Asked Us To Try [Y-Cable, Low Inputs, Cranked, Boost & Wet-Dry JTM45]
9 Dec 2022
Our wonderful viewers asked us some stuff after the last Marshall video… so let’s do this!
Welcome to the show! A few weeks back we made a video comparing two classic ‘small-box’ Marshalls, the JTM45 and 1987x. Following that video we had a bunch of common questions and themes crop up in the comments… that we’re addressing in this video. You can enjoy…
0:00 Intro playing
0:47 What are we doing today?
1:32 Try a Y-Cable To Both Channels
8:50 What About The Low Inputs?
12:00 Jump The Channels The Other Way?
14:18 Crank The High Treble Only
26:28 Try A Treble Booster
31:10 Wet-Dry With The JTM45
Q: You uploaded this video once already – what gives?
A: Yes, this is a re-upload. We had an issue with a caption which was causing some confusion. So we deleted the captions - everything else is exactly the same as it was. We had some extraneous noise, some of which made it to the recorded audio, some of which didn't. C'est la vie!
Enjoy the show!
And please visit That Pedal Shop https://www.thatpedalshop.com/
Pedals used in this show
• JHS Pedals Buffered Splitter
Australia: https://bit.ly/3nbQ5aE
USA: https://bit.ly/3oZF51H
• Hello Sailor Effects Treble Booster
Guitars in this video
• Gibson Custom True Historic ’57 Les Paul Goldtop. Murphy Aged - no video yet
• 1965 Fender Telecaster - Dan’s video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwBXa...
• Cutler Custom Guitars Panama Classic
(Dean Cutler came to an Experience Day just recently and left one of his builds with us for a while. We like!)
• 1961 Gibson Les Paul Junior - Dan’s video here: https://youtu.be/0CORolxVmeY
• Fender Custom Shop ’63 Telecaster - Dan’s video here: https://youtu.be/rnQ4OIJFTgY
• 1961 Fender Stratocaster - Mick’s video here: https://youtu.be/WOMHUQeHGRQ
• 1970 Fender Stratocaster - Mick’s video here: https://youtu.be/WOMHUQeHGRQ
Amps in this video
• Marshall 1987x
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/31eVWmc
USA: https://bit.ly/3v3Xazc
• Marshall 1960AX 412 cab with Celestion G12M Greenback speakers
USA: http://bit.ly/3tHfLQM
We hope you enjoy this episode. Please subscribe to our channel.
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