Is The T-Rex Binson Echorec Too Noisy? [Mick Tries Guitar 'Pedals' As Studio Outboard]
Published 21 Nov 2023
Mick explores using the T-Rexorec in two ways while recording a simple track
Welcome to the show! Regular viewers will know that Dan and I really love the classic Binson Echorec sound. Just recently we featured the all-new T-Rex Binson Echorec - video here https://youtu.be/7ND0uJT7Ock?si=RMpCkQQ9u1kk6Esw - and I was a little bit concerned with the noise floor in a regular guitar rig. I said I’d follow up with a short video trying out the Echorec’s XLR ins and outs in a studio environment, and here it is!
I start off using the Echorec on guitar, as an insert effect in the recording chain. This means the sound is committed to the recording.
Secondly I use the Echorec on a parallel bus to effect the drums, meaning that you’re not committed to the effected sound until you want to be, during the mix stage.
Of course there are many other ways you could incorporate external effects in recording chains but to my mind, these are the two most basic and common.
In conclusion - nope, it’s not too noisy on the XLRs! Happy days.
Enjoy the show!
Pedals & stuff in this episode
• Klon Centaur - no longer [sensibly] available
Get this instead! https://jhspedals.info/products/notaklon
• T-Rex Binson Echorec
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/461uhDB
USA: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/PyW39Q
• Chase Bliss Audio CXM1978 Reverb
• Austrian Audio mics (CC8s as overheads, OC18s on the guitar cab) https://austrian.audio/
• Neve recording loveliness https://www.ams-neve.com/outboard/1073-range/
• UA Apollo interfaces https://www.uaudio.com/audio-interfaces/apollo.html
Interesting bits and go-to sections
0:00 Why am I doing this?
1:15 Mods for studio use?
1:50 Insert effect or on a parallel bus
2:40 Drum kit mics?
3:28 Tracking drums and bass
4:00 Insert effect recording chain
5:00 Is it noisy then?
5:53 Guitar sounds with & without Echorec
7:35 Taming the input levels in the Echorec?
11:48 Echorec on a parallel bus
12:50 UA Apollo routing for bus
14:10 Adding Echorec to drums
18:00 And in a mix?
19:35 Let’s add some external reverb as well…
25:16 The whole track
27:35 Closing thoughts
Guitars in the episode
• 1961 Fender Stratocaster
• 1971 Fender Precisioon Bass
Amp in the episode
• Two-Rock Classic Reverb Signature 50/100 with TR112 cab and EVM12L speaker
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