Heavy Guitar Tones With Rabea Massaad: What Can We Learn?
Published 1 May 2020
Welcome to the show! This is the last pre-Coronavirus-lockdown show we filmed back in March. Our great friend Rabea Massaad had come to visit to do a pedalboard video, so we took the opportunity to film another one while he was with us.
It’s no secret that contemporary ‘heavy’ tones aren’t exactly a great strength of ours. That said, Dan especially has a great love for more progressive styles music and of course we’re both MASSIVE fans of Bea’s approach to music, guitar and all-round creativity.
What better excuse then to see what we can glean from him in a general chat about tooooaaaan, man?
Please check out Rabea’s band Toska here: https://www.toska.tv/
If you’re surprised at the contrast of the mics at 53:50, so was I. Mick here. I asked Fraser to double check the audio/settings/EQ etc and the annotations are correct – the Sennheiser e906 dynamic is much less bright compared with the Sontronics ribbon. I’m going to assuming it’s either broken or very badly placed on the speaker! A 906 is normally waaaaaay brighter than that!
Enjoy the episode!
Pedals & stuff in this episode…
TheGigRig Three2One
Strymon Riverside
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2h7FuuL
USA: https://imp.i114863.net/XM4yM
Australia: http://bit.ly/2nLFiJ5
Keeley D&M Drive
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2oTblU1
Australia: http://bit.ly/2pUDUAE
USA: https://bit.ly/3ltKAoo
Keeley Filaments
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2gnkkhc
Australia: http://bit.ly/2A2HmjZ
USA: https://bit.ly/3rvE6Ji
Mythos Mjolnir Ltd Edition - Link to normal version
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2wIFcSA
USA: https://bit.ly/3lqahGg
Empress Tape Delay
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2lY42Za
Australia: https://bit.ly/39R94Pz
Empress Echo System
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2x5i4z4
Australia: http://bit.ly/2x0K9K7
TC Electronic Flashback 2
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2u3UHm8
USA: https://imp.i114863.net/qaWnO
Australia: http://bit.ly/2CVjyxO
TheGigRig G2
* Why do we have preferred retailer links? Find out here: http://www.thatpedalshow.com/partners
Interesting bits and go-to sections…
- Intro playing: 0:00
Hello! 0:45
Please help us: 2:08
Rabea’s new guitar: 2:40
Starting with the base crunch sound: 3:15
Rabea’s tuning: 5:55
Strat, Tele and ML3 through Rabea’s rig: 6:23
…and some humbuckers: 9:30
Picking attack? 10:55
What about a Marshall? 15:09
How Rabea sets up a pedal (and a discussion about midrange): 17:25
How he does that bouncy chuggy thing: 21:58
Let’s talk about gain: 24:30
Heavy tones from the D&M Drive and Marshall? 25:45
…and Victory Kraken: 28:40
…back to the Marshall: 30:40
Keeley Filaments: 32:30
Everything at 2 o’clock! 34:05
Lead line tones? 35:10
Reverb and delay in the FX loop: 37:30
Setting up a lead line sound into the Victory: 38:00
…and the Marshall: 39:50
What about mics: 52:00
The two mics separate and blended: 53:50
We haven’t really concluded anything: 55:10
Guitars in this episode:
Chapman Guitars Rabea Massaad Signature ML3 BEA Pro in Carthus Burst
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/2USrDxl
Fender American Vintage ’62 Stratocaster – Mick’s video at http://bit.ly/2cQv3yT
Fender Custom Shop 1963 Telecaster - Dan’s video at http://bit.ly/2dlZJ6K
Gibson Custom 1958 Les Paul Standard – Dan’s video at http://bit.ly/2dbwbvS
PRS S2 Singlecut Standard - https://www.prsguitars.com/index.php/electrics/model/s2_singlecut_standard_2019
Ibanez JEMJRSP – https://www.ibanez.com/eu/products/detail/jemjrsp_02.html
Amps in this episode
Victory VX100 Super Kraken Head with Victory V212-VH cab/Celestion Vintage 30 & Celestion G12H Anniversary
EU & Europe: https://bit.ly/3E68znP
USA That Pedal Shop: https://bit.ly/3E12wk9
Marshall 1987x with 1960AX cab / Celestion G12M Greenback speakers
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/31eVWmc
USA That Pedal Shop: https://bit.ly/3v3Xazc
We hope you enjoy this episode. Please subscribe to our channel.
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