Analog Man King Of Tone Alternatives: Are There Any?
Published on Mar 25, 2016
In this episode Daniel and Mick are discussing the much-loved Analog Man King Of Tone overdrive. It’s Dan’s favourite overdrive of recent times but as many people will know, there is a very long waiting list if you want to buy one.
So, what can you do while you’re waiting, or indeed if you don’t want to wait at all? We’ve selected six other overdrives that do a similar job and set about 50 minutes of comparing them to the KOT.
We chose these pedals because we have experience of them / have them to hand. There are of course others, but we need to keep things manageable!
Here are some timings to help you navigate this long video…
KOT intro, background & explanation 2:44
KOT sound demo 8.00 - 11:00
“Todays pedals are…” 11:45
Lovepedal Amp Eleven (from 12:35)
Tone City King Of Blues (from 19:10)
Thanks to Andertons Music for lending us this and the Full-Drive 3 http://www.andertons.co.uk/overdrive-pedals/pid41692/cid802/tone-city-king-of-blues-overdrive-pedal.asp
Fulltone Full-Drive 3 (from 21:53)
T-Rex Møller 2 (from 28:28)
J Rockett Tim Pierce Signature (from 32:32) The GoPro pedal cam dies part way through – sorry!
Lazy J Cruiser Deuce (from 35:37)
“Is there a pedal that sounds exactly like the King Of Tone?” (from 39:36)
Fun with the Gretsch 6118T-LIV Players Edition Anniversary and all the pedals (from 42:54, playing at 44:13)
And yes, Mick says “Brigsby”. Sorry about that.
In this video, Mick is playing his Fender American Vintage ’62 Stratocaster. Daniel is playing his Gibson Custom 1958 Les Paul Standard and a Gretsch 6118T-LIV Players Edition Anniversary.
Amps are a Fender Super Reverb reissue with 4x10-inch Jensen P10R speakers and a Mallard 18-watt Marshall clone on a Marshall 2061cx 2x12 cab with Celestion G12H Anniversary speakers. Both amps are running all the time.
As always, all pedal and amp switching and routing is handled by TheGigRig G2.
For more on TheGigRig see www.thegigrig.com
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