A Fuzz Primer For The Fuzzily Unprimed
Published on 8 Jan 2016
Right then, if you skip to 2:14, this episode is dedicated to fuzz pedals.
Daniel is a HUGE fan of fuzz and has assembled quite the collection.
Vintage fuzzes, modern fuzzes, octave fuzzes...
Today he's taking Mick on a whistlestop tour through some of the history, taking in a few key classics and not-so-classics on the way. They are…
(Original) Maestro FZ-1A Fuzz-Tone
(New) Dunlop Jimi Hendrix Band Of Gypsys Fuzz Face Mini
(Original) Electro-Harmonix Big Muff
(1980s) ProCo RAT
(New) Pigdog MkII Professional
(New) Pigdog Fuzzbound
(Original) Shin Ei Duo Fuzz
(New) GOG Effects Custom Dual Tarkin (and we're really sorry we sort of skipped over this one – no reason other than Dan was all excited about getting on to the…)
(New) Green Carrot Pedals Infatuator
Guitars today are Dan's Gibson Custom 1958 Les Paul Standard and Mick's Fender American Vintage 1962 Stratocaster, played through a Mallard 20-watt head, based on a Marshall Plexi circuit. The cabinet is a Marshall 2061cx with Celestion G12H Anniversary speakers.