Devin Townsend Blows Our Tiny Minds – That Pedal Show
Published on Nov 9, 2018
Go on, pinch us! Daniel recently had the great honour of building Devin Townsend’s new pedalboard. It’s quite the task given Dev’s immense creative ambition and ability – check out https://www.hevydevy.com/ for a small insight into his world.
We travelled to Monnow Valley Studios in Wales to deliver the board as Dev was tracking his upcoming record. He took some time out to chat and run through his signature Mooer Ocean Machine pedal among other golden insights.
It goes without saying that we have massive respect for Devin’s artistic and creative compulsion, not to mention his undoubted skill and dedication in getting it to the world. It’s an honour and pleasure to get to hang with him. Enjoy the video…
A note on the audio and what you’re hearing
Devin is using a wet-dry-wet rig. The dry/centre is a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe combo, while the wet stereo runs from a Fractal Axe FX II XL+ into two JBL full range monitors (purely for monitoring). The recorded sound is a mic on the Hot Rod Deluxe and a direct stereo feed from the Axe FX.
Dev also uses Ableton Live for live performance which he integrates with his rig, as explained in the video. I’m on thin ice now – Mick here – so I’ll stop talking about things I don’t understand. Maybe Dan can add more if we get lots of questions.
#devintownsend #pedalboardbuild #interview #guitargear
Life too short for long YouTube videos? Please see the ‘Interesting bits and go-to sections’ information below.
Pedals on Devin's board…
• TheGigRig Three2One
• CAE Wah MC404
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2QB9CjG
USA: https://imp.i114863.net/vMPWy
• Hudson Broadcast
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2fkpnOX
Australia: http://bit.ly/2oUbqrw
• Way Huge Saucy Box
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2F8GE9B
• Maxon OD-808
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2Phite7
Australia: http://bit.ly/2D9I9lq
• Aleks K Production Maple Leaf Royakl Drive
• Barber Electronics Tone Press
• ZVEX /JHS Fat Fuzz Factory (the one with the dog’s face)
Australia: http://bit.ly/2ASOOyW
• MXR M300 Reverb
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2hLvESX
USA: https://bit.ly/3yo9D1c
• Mooer Ocean Machine
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2T0s7Qz
• Dunlop EP-103 Echoplex
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2cQsuNc
USA: https://bit.ly/3GJdZ65
• Red Panda Particle
Australia: http://bit.ly/2PHDyxJ
• Diamond TRM1 Tremolo
• EarthQuaker Devices Rainbow Machine
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2DatypK
USA: https://bit.ly/3GJKwJa
Australia: http://bit.ly/2y2860y
• TheGigRig G2
Why do we have preferred retailer links? Find out here: http://www.thatpedalshow.com/partners
Interesting bits and go-to sections…
- We’re in the countryside: 00:00
- Let’s engulf ourselves in metal: 0:55
- There’s a Tele surprise! 1:38
- Oh mama – look at that pedalboard! 2:28
- Ocean Machine Awesomeness: 3:42
- Hi everybody! 5:10
- Pyjamas are fine, right? 6:28
- Devin’s purpose behind the gear fetishisation: 7:35
- Hang on, why the Tele? 8:05
- Synesthesia: 10:22
- This record… 12:10
- Mike Keneally: 13:04
- Commercial music? 15:15
- Mooer Ocean Machine: OMG! 19:02
- Ambience from one note: 23:25
- Grounding, loops and problems: 32:10
- Devin’s wet/dry/wet explained: 33:50
- The valve amp and Axe FX realtionship explained: 35:05
- Dev’s Framus Stormbender: 37:00
- Crushing metal: 39:30
- Bring analogue and digital together: 42:52
Guitars in this episode:
• Framus Stormbender Devin Townsend Signature: http://www.warwick.de/en/Framus---Products--Guitars-and-Amps--E-Guitars--Custom-Shop---Masterbuilt--Basic-Guitar-Models--Signature--Devin-Townsend-Signature.html
• Fender Custom Shop 1952 Telecaster Relic – Dan’s video at http://bit.ly/2Hlpy5Y
Amps in this episode
• Fender Hot Rod Deluxe
UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2KBwMWc
USA: https://imp.i114863.net/jbeV6
• Fractal Axe FX II XL+ into 2 x JBL full range powered monitors
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