Welcome To The Jangle [Guitar] Rickenbacker 330, Fender Johnny Marr Jaguar, Compressors & Chorus
Published 17 Nov 2023
Exploring a cliché or three as we take inspiration from the jangle guitar sound and see what comes next
Welcome to the show! We recently had the great pleasure - nay, honour - of spending a day with flippin’ British pop icon/leg-end, Johnny Marr for an episode of That Pedal Show. Among the incredible experiences that day for me and Dan was Johnny playing two guitars with which neither of us are that familiar: a Rickenbacker 330 and a Fender Jaguar. Dan was so moved by the Jag, we found a way of acquiring one… and I’ve been itching about a Ricky ever since. Thanks to viewer, Mark Kember, we have one on loan for a bit.
Thus, without any further adult supervision, we thought we’d take the opportunity to plug em in, add some classic compression and chorus and see where we ended up… which just so happened to be two cranked 100 watt heads. Heaven knows we're not miserable now…
Enjoy the show!
Pedals and stuff used in this video…
• TheGigRig Three2One
• TC Electronic Polytune Noir Mini 3
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/30GVcUn
Australia: https://bit.ly/348bMOY
USA: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/k0A0L0
• Brelliott Amps TODP
• OKKO Coca Compressor
• Union Tube & Transistor LAB
• Ross Compressor
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/3SsHkLg
Australia: https://bit.ly/3uemTr8
USA: https://bit.ly/46ah9fv
• JAM Pedals Pink Flow
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/3FNOli7
Australia: https://bit.ly/477Ovx2
USA: https://bit.ly/3FUsCVD
• Boss DD-3T
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/2O5F5uS
Australia: https://bit.ly/2O8HQLZ
USA: https://bit.ly/3cPcWV9
• TC Electronics SCF+
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/3DTer1P
Australia: https://bit.ly/3A03BGa
USA: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/9gqLGE
• Boss CE-2W
UK & Europe: https://bit.ly/2fkq9tv
Australia: https://bit.ly/2iqp2rs
USA: https://bit.ly/30YiTN0
• TheGigRig G3
Interesting bits & go-to sections
0:00 Intro
1:17 Welcome to the Jangle
2:20 Dan’s new Marrguar
2:50 Mark Kember’s Ricky 330
5:30 The start of jangle
6:00 Noel’s Knobs
7:30 Jag’n’Rick
9:00 Compressors
10:00 Jam Pedals Dynassor
11:20 Ross Compressor
12:30 Union Tube & Transistor LAB
13:20 Okko Coca
17:00 What do we like about them?
18:45 Chorus?
20:54 CE-2w, SCF+ & Waterfall
23:47 Vibrato only & wet/dry chorus
24:30 SCF-type chorus
26:00 Super Reverb Tremolo
30:30 RAWK!! Hiwatt and Laney heads?
34:30 Mick builds a sonic cathedral
36:15 Fluke of Seagull
39:00 Taming of the amps
40:00 Jag neck pickup lushness
41:10 Ballad of Daniel Pumpkin Head
41:45 Back to ‘Backer
44:00 Take me to the bridge!
45:30 Manic Bunday
46:00 A man and his capo
48:00 Ricky blend control
48:50 Our new direction?
Guitars in today’s episode
• Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar - no video yet
• Rickenbacker 330 - thanks to Mark Kember for lending us this!
Amps in today’s episode
• Fender ’65 Super Reverb Reissue with 4x10 Jensen P10R speakers
• 1961 Vox AC30 with Celestion Alnico Blue speakers
• 1969 Laney Supergroup - thanks Paul Stacey!
• Zilla Custom 412 with 2 x Celestion Vintage 30 and 2 x Jensen Raptor 100
• 1973 Hiwatt DR103 Custom 100
• Marshall 1960AX 412 with Celestion G12M Greenback speakers
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