Talk Box & Vocoder vs Dan & Mick
Published on Jul 29, 2016
In this video Daniel and Mick are delving into the world of Talk Boxes and Vocoders, the former made famous by songs such as Peter Frampton's Show Me The Way, Livin' On A Prayer by Bon Jovi and Rocky Mountain Way by Joe Walsh.
We have an original Electro-Harmonix Golden Throat and a new MXR Talk Box to demonstrate that side of things, plus a Boss VO-1 Vocoder to talk briefly about, er, vocoders. Expect mucho silliness...
Interesting go-to bits
• How an original Talk Box works, including signal routing: 1:03
• Dan sticking a tube into his mouth for the first time: 3:05
• MXR Talk Box: 9:10
• Boss VO-1 Vocoder: 12:49
• Intense silliness warning: 20:36
Dan is playing a Gibson Custom 1958 Les Paul Standard, Mick is playing a Fender Mexico ’60s Reverse Headstock Stratocaster.
The amp today is a Victory Sheriff 44 and a PA speaker to monitor the talk box sounds.
We're using a Kingsley Harlot to push the Victory.
As always, switching and signal routing is handled by TheGigRig G2 www.thegigrig.com
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