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Summer Lame-Ass Live Show [Boss ToneBender, Suhr Analog Delay, Thorpy Pulse Doppler, Oopegg & More!]

Published 30 Jul 2021

Live show fun – Boss TB-2w, Suhr Discovery Delay, Thorpy Pulse Doppler, Ooopegg Trailbreaker, Celestion Golds for the Princeton, Olympic T-shirt folding and MORE!

Dan and I are going to take a couple or three weeks off the 'Toob. It's vacation season hereabouts so before we split for the summer, we're going live for a show!

You can expect the Boss TB-2w Tonebender, an Oopeg guitar. the Matchless and Princeton in wet-dry plus a different cab on the Princeton.
The awesome new Suhr Analog Delay. Thorpy Pulse Doppler and… Dan and me in an Olympic T-shirt fold-off.

Enjoy this general kickback into recess before we return later in the month with a whole load of new stuff.

Wishing everyone the most wonderful of summers! (and not summers for those of you not in the Northern hemisphere).

Thanks for being here!

Interesting bits and go-to sections…
0:00 Intro playing
4:30 What are we doing today?
6:30 Will TPS ever do pedal videos again?
8:05 Boss TB-2w Tone Bender chat
11:10 Boss TB-2w sounds
14:00 Boss TB-2w voltage switch
18:37 Oopegg Supreme Trailbreaker Mk-1
21:25 Oopegg sounds
28:11 Josh Scott vs The Klon
29:15 The TPS Yesnometer
31:08 Princeton & Matchless Wet-Dry
33:30 Matchless & Princeton sounds
39:50 Princeton with 2x10 Alnico Golds?
44:15 Cranking the Princeton
49:38 Mick’s D-Style 412 cab
54:38 Suhr Discovery Analog Delay chat
56:37 Suhr Discovery Sounds
1:04:00 Thorpy Pulse Doppler chat
1:04:50 Pulse Doppler sounds
1:11:35 Olympic chat
1:12:50 T-shirt folding gold medal match
1:15:55 What’s coming next?

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